Path planning adapted to your needs

Traditionally, the motions of an industrial robot are preprogrammed to achieve the goals of the task. This approach works well for structured scenarios where limited flexibility is required. However, pre-programming is unsuitable in applications where the robot’s surroundings is subject to change. Moreover, manual programming of robot motion can be very time-consuming and costly for complex projects.

With automatic path planning the robot can autonomously recompute collision-free paths during the application lifecycle. This unlocks numerous new robotic applications. We have experience from deploying multiple robot solutions where path planning was a key enabling technology. Our experience tells us that path planning works best when customized to the application specifics. That is why our path planning solutions use the same core software, but always have important application-specific components. We work closely with integrators and end users to deliver application-tailored path planning solutions that expand the possibilities of robotics.

Unlock your robots' full potential